Shortly said: You enter a space that is decorated according to a certain theme. The entrance behind you will be close, after which you have to search for the exit by means of finding and solving of puzzles, clues and so forth. Lockfree guarantees you that each Escape Room is a big experience. Every piece of furniture or object was selected with great precision in order to fit into the story and to make the whole experience as authentic as possible. You could compare the experience with being into an adventurous, exciting movie whereby you, together with your other team members, play the main characters.

Taking into consideration the size of the Escape Room, in general a groep from 2 – 8 persons can participate. At Lockfree, for each Escape Room it will be notified what the maximum number of persons is.

Lockfree has carefully kept an eye on safety. Whenever needed, safety indications were placed, as well as protection for head and other body parts, in order to prevent people from becoming hurt. Also, at any given moment, an individual player can leave the game, if there would be any reason to do so. Whenever a doorway would somehow be blocking, there is always a procedure available to unblock in case of emergency.

It is difficult to pinpoint a specific minimum age for an Escape Room at Lockfree, but logically the puzzles have a certain difficulty level that requires some insight and thinking ability. Every group can determine this best for itself. Nevertheless, keep in mind that young people under the age of 16 should always be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older), who will take full responsibility for these minors.

It is absolutely no problem in case you would like to take along your young children in the Escape Room. It is entirely up to you to estimate which impact this will have on the gaming fun and game play for you and the other team members. Also, keep in mind that you bear the full responsibility as an adult regarding the minors who accompany you.

Logically, the claustrophobic feeling varies from person to person, but entering one of our Escape Rooms does not give the feeling to be locked-up. Definitely, you will surely not have the impression that you are locked-up. The Escape Room you are in provides enough space to move. And any given moment an individual member of the team can decide to leave the Escape Room.

A good preparation can mean a big difference. For example, it can be very meaningful to agree in advance how your team will work together, which role each member will play, when you will ask for a hint, and so forth.
Interesting material for preparation purposes you can find on these locations:
Link 1
Link 2

Especially clothes that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. Expect an adventurous experience. Therefore, clothes and shoes for recreation are advisable.

An Escape Room game is a perfect team-event. Believe it or not, but an Escape Room experience let the real person come out behind the colleague / schoolmate / family member / friend. Also less visible qualities, talents and skills will beautifully come to the fore. On top, it makes the bonds of friendship stronger, by participating all together for this special happening. And we guarantee you: the experience you and your team members will undergo at Lockfree, will not easily be forgotten…

Please arrive not later than the given time. Briefly check your route planner how much time it will take to arrive at our place. We would like to advise you to arrive not later than 15 minutes before the start of the game. This gives you enough time to already get used to the environment and to arrange a few necessary preparations. Please make sure that you surely do not arrive later than the agreed time! In case you would arrive much earlier, no problem, then you can already enjoy our relaxing and stylish lounge part.

You can pay on the spot by means of a Bank / Credit card or Payconiq. Also cash is possible, but it does not get our preference.

Most Escape Rooms have a maximum duration of 60 minutes. But without any problem a different choice can be made, depending on different factors and according to the accurate estimation of the Escape Room Designers. You will notice that Lockfree has Escape Rooms with different durations. More info you can find with the description of the specific Escape Rooms via the menu-link “Rooms”.

Much could be summed-up concerning what is not allowed at Lockfree, but in essence it comes down to: showing proper respect for our properties and our other guests. More specifically in the Escape Rooms itself it is not allowed to bring along food and drinks, and also no smartphones or other devices that you can use to take photo’s or movies. Personal items can be stored in one of our lockers, of which you will keep the key.
What is surely allowed in the Escape Rooms is: investigating everything in the room and using various items in such a way that your team will be helped to make progress. In the Escape Rooms you are really allowed to search in all closets, drawers, books, personal stuff, and so forth… You can look and touch everything without “being tapped on the fingers”, without having to feel guilty. Logically all of this without forcing anything.

No, besides your group (no matter the number of members), no other people will be place in your group. Only your group will be able to experience the chosen Escape Room for the chosen time.

Every Escape Room is different, and each Escape Room Designer has given her/his own creative touch to the outworking of the theme that has been developed. At Lockfree, all Escape Rooms have a level of tension and adventure, but on purpose we have not chosen for a horror genre. Our themes are therefore accessible for all ages. Please take note of the specific characteristics of each of our Escape Rooms under the menu-item “Rooms”. In case you still have doubts, feel free to contact us.

At Lockfree, you can drink something combined with a relaxing chat, before or after your visit to our Escape Rooms. By the way, our very stylish and nostalgic lounge is open (during regular opening hours) also for people who don’t want to visit an Escape Room. Concerning food, this will only be limited to small refreshments (chips, cookies, plate of cheese, …), but in the area there are enough restaurants available that can offer a complete meal.

Yes, for sure there is this possibility. We have a small presentation- and meeting room available (up to 12 persons) with beamer and (fast) Internet access. When preferred, also catering can be provided, as good as possible aligned with the specific needs. For specific questions/requests in this regard, you can best send us an email (see menu-item “Contact” for our contact information).

No problem at all! The only thing we need is your company number and other invoice data. The invoice can be made on the spot or sent to you digitally by email.

Definitely yes! And even a very good (fast) connection is available with enough bandwidth for all our customers and via free WIFI.

Absolutely! We have a spacious parking lot where more than enough cars can park. And yes, you can also park for free with us.

Certainly. You can have a delicious meal in one of the many restaurants in the area. You can also visit the cozy center of Mol with its many shops and catering businesses. Also the center of Dessel has character and is cozy. You can also go to Zilvermeer to do all kinds of sportive (water) activities. There is als "Sunparks Kempense Meren", a bungalow parc located in a natural environment, next to the largest lake of Mol (and wide area). In the vast forrests of Mol-Postel you can also make great walks/hikes on one of the various hiking paths that you can easily find through the touristic website of Mol. Activities for every person! Certainly check the touristic websites of:
- Arendonk,
- Bergeijk,
- Dessel,
- Eersel,
- Geel,
- Lommel,
- Retie

There are surely plenty of lodging possibilities available in Mol, Dessel, Retie, or a bit further away. You can take a look at the touristic websites of these locations, which you can find under the previous FAQ-item.

We are happy to let you know that we offer the possibility to order a Gift Voucher. A Gift Voucher for one of our Escape Rooms will surely make someone very happy! How do you order a Gift Voucher? Well, this can easily be done by going to the menu-item “Booking” and following the next steps:
- Choose the preferred Escape Room,
- Mark that it concerns a “Gift Voucer”
- Define the number of people,
- Next, fill-in YOUR contact information, as well as possible additional information,
- Then click the “Confirm” button.

Consequently you will receive an email which also YOU must confirm. That is why it is very important to provide your correct email address. This email contains a unique Gift Voucher code that you can give to someone as a gift (by means of printing it out or send it to digitally).
This Gift Voucher has no expiration date and can be used only once (by a group). The person who received the Gift Voucher will make a reservation via email of telephone.

What if the group is with more or less persons, or what if they want to do another Escape Room than the one that was chosen?
All of such changes will make a difference compared to the value of the Gift Voucher. Well, in such cases, without a problem the choice of the group will be respected and the difference in amount of money will be re-calculated on the spot.

How do you pay the Gift Voucher?
In the email that you receive, you will also find an invitation for payment. This has to be deposited on our bank account within the next 5 working days. If not, the Gift Voucher will be cancelled. After your payment is received, you will receive another email with the confirmation of your payment and the validity of the Gift Voucher.

How do you book one of our Escape Rooms? Well, this can easily be done by going to the menu-item “Booking” and following the next steps:
- Choose the preferred Escape Room,
- Select an available date (dates that are already fully booked are no longer available),
- Select a timeslot for the chosen date,
- Define the number of people to play the game,
- Next, fill-in YOUR contact information, as well as possible additional information,
- Then click the “Confirm” button.

Consequently you will receive an email which also YOU must confirm. That is why it is very important to provide your correct email address.
How do you pay your reservation?
When you arrive at Lockfree on the reserved date, you can notify your presence at our desk, where you can arrange the payment and next experience the chosen Escape Room.
There might be some urgent circumstances whereby your group unfortunately cannot make it and have to cancel the reservation. In that case, it is very important to let us know immediately in order for us to re-open the Escape Room for another group.